The Guiding Light

The Guiding Light

By Anna Bella


I’ve been asleep for hours and awaken to use the restroom. I struggle to get out of my bed and put on my fluffy night slippers and open my door to go down the hall. As I eagerly return through the hallway to go back sleep, I am completely shocked to realize that my room has been closed back in with only a beaming blue light coming through the outline of the door. My heart skips a beat and my eyes widen. I have fully awaken from my half awake half asleep self. I begin to tremble and wonder if I’m still dreaming. My heart beats faster and faster. My palms begin to sweat and fear starts to consume me. What movie did I watch last night, I try to remember. I approached the door and slowly peer inside. I notice the light has one source from something within. Everything else in my room appears exactly how I left it instead with this blue light shining on it. I slowly open the door and to my surprise my phone turns out to be the source with a mini transparent human standing in the midst of the strong blue light. I approach closer to realize that it was a mini me inside the light. It spoke up and said “Hello Anna Bella, I’m Anna Bella.” I was taken aback and thought I really have to be sleeping because this is really insane. Someone must’ve given me something bad to eat or drink. I have to be more careful next time, I thought. She continue to spoke and said, “You aren’t sleeping. I guess I could say we aren’t sleeping. I am your higher self, the all knowing you, the true inside of you.” At this point I’m not sure if I should believe this or not. Afterall, it could be a trick. Maybe it’s another captivating dream that I’m going to be awoken from shortly. I’ll be mad for a few minutes and then forget all about it later. I decide to play along with it. Might as well enjoy this magical experience while it last. “Oh, right, How could I not remember you?,” I sarcastically say to this creature. She responded, ” You don’t fool me, because you are me.” ” Enough with this nonsense, why are you here,” I demand to know. “We never know how to relax and be calm. Always feisty and snappish. There’s no time to debate who I am. Just know that I’m here to help you. There’s alot of people you need to help and we also need to help ourselves too.” “How do I know that I can trust you,” I ask. She said, “look out that window and you’ll notice that your mom and dad have returned.” “That’s ridiculous, they were on a plane heading to Hawaii the last time I spoke to them,” I exclaimed. “Go see for yourself.” I walked over to the window and looked out and to my surprise, my parents were driving into the driveway just like she said. “Now what,” I said to myself. Now what?
To Be Continued…

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